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Keeping Cape Cod's roadways safe for proper use by pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles is a critical aspect of overall public safety. The Cape Cod Commission's Transportation Department works to identify areas of safety concern and develop data-driven solutions to lower both the occurrence and the severity of vehicle crashes. This dashboard provides an opportunity to visualize Cape Cod's vehicle crashes and their related statistics from 2018-2020.

Go to 2022 Dashboard

This application sources data from the MassDOT Crash Portal. Under federal law, this information cannot be used as evidence in any lawsuit or other action for damages that involves the sites mentioned in these records. (See 23 USC, Section 409). Additionally, the data visualized may not be all-encompassing for the years 2018-2020. Crash reports submitted without an identifiable location are not mapped, for example.

Crash data from 2012-2016 can be viewed in the 2019 Cape Cod Crash Dashboard.

Statewide high crash locations are also identified on the MassDOT Hiqhway Safety Improvement Program webpage. Additional statewide safety analysis can also be found in the MassDOT Crash Portal including the Fatal Crash Information Dashboard that includes up-to-date fatality data and a Municipality Dashboard that presents crash information for individual towns.


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