The Cape Cod Commission coordinates transportation planning activities under the guidance of the Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), a collaboration of local, regional, state, and federal officials. The MPO, designated under federal transportation legislation following the 1990 United States Census, meets to review, direct, and vote on aspects and products of the transportation planning process.
The Cape Cod Joint Transportation Committee (CCJTC) is the transportation planning advisory group that reviews, discusses, and votes on recommendations to the Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization.
The Cape Cod Commission's MPO-related work includes:
- the preparation of an annual Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) for transportation planning activities;
- an annual update of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and any necessary TIP amendments; and
- the development and implementation of the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and the Congestion Management Plan (CMP).
The process by which the MPO solicits public involvement and cooperative decision-making as part of the transportation planning process is detailed in the MPO's Public Participation Plan (PPP).
Watch a video describing the planning process for the Transportation Improvement Program and the Unified Planning Work Program:
Title VI and Nondiscrimination Statement
Cape Cod Metropolitan Organization Vital Documents
New: Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization Meeting Recordings | Approved Meeting Minutes
Monica Tibbits-Nutt, ChairMassachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT), Interim Secretary/Chief Executive Officer
Jonathan GulliverMassDOT Highway Division, Highway Administrator
Harold "Woody" Mitchell, Vice ChairCape Cod Commission
Robert LawtonCape Cod Regional Transit Authority (CCRTA), Chairman
Mark ForestBarnstable County Commissioner
Brian WeedenMashpee Wampanoag Tribal Council, Chairman
Daniel SantosBarnstable, Designee for Town Council President
Edwin P. ZylinskiSub-region A Representative: Bourne, Falmouth, Mashpee, and Sandwich
VacantSub-region B Representative: Dennis and Yarmouth
Kevin GalliganSub-region C Representative: Brewster, Chatham, Harwich, and Orleans
Leslie SandbergSub-region D Representative: Eastham, Provincetown, Truro, and Wellfleet
Ex-Officio MembersFederal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, National Park Service/Cape Cod National Seashore, The Steamship Authority, and Cape Cod Joint Transportation Committee
Steven Tupperstupper@capecodcommission.org
Colleen Medeiroscolleen.medeiros@capecodcommission.org
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