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The Cape Cod Canal Bridges Program will include the replacement of the Bourne and Sagamore bridges, as well as improvements to the approach roadway networks to address the multimodal deficiencies within the Cape Cod Canal area. The context and status of the program is detailed in current Cape Cod Commission Information Handout.

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For more information on the program please visit the MassDOT program website:

What's the Latest

  • President Biden and U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg announce award of $372 million federal grant for the Cape Cod Bridges Program through National Infrastructure Project Assistance (MEGA) programs  (1/25/24 US DOT Announcement12/15/23 MassDOT Press Release)
  • MassDOT announces submission of $1.06 billion in grant funding through the Bridge Investment Program (BIP) Large Bridge Project Program for replacement of the Sagamore Bridge over the Cape Cod Canal (12/5/23 Press Release)

Highlights of recent public meeting include sharing a Purpose and Need Statement and sharing a number of draft program elements including the draft preferred Bridge Type, twin arches, as presented below.

The study team also presented draft lane configurations that are consistent with state and federal design guidelines and would be applicable for both directions of travel at each crossing (Bourne and Sagamore).

The study team also presented an updates on bridge funding, permitting, potential bridge locations, interchanged alternatives and next steps. Copies of meeting presentations are available on the project documents page. Public feedback has been solicited throughout the process.


Consistent with the Program's Public Involvement Plan, a number of meeting and outreach events have been held to engage and inform that public.

In-Person Open House (May 17, 2023)

An in-person Cape Bridges Program Open House was hosted by MassDOT at Bourne Veteran’s Memorial Community Center on May 17, 2023 from 12:00-3:00 p.m. and 5:00-8:00 p.m. At the Open House, an update was provided on the Cape Cod Bridges Program. The event included information on the Environmental Notification Form, the status of the Program, interchange alternatives, potential bridge locations and lane configurations, maps of the Program Area, and next steps.

Advisory Group Meetings

MassDOT has convened an Advisory Group comprised of local interests and representation to provide feedback and share information with the Program team throughout Program development. Below are links to presentations from Advisory Group meeting held to date.

Public Engagement Meetings

MassDOT has held a series of  public meetings to providing the public with updates on the proposed Cape Cod Bridges Program. MassDOT will continue to regularly hold public meetings to provide updates and the latest available information, highlight key milestones, and allow the public the provide input and feedback on various aspects of the Program.

Recent Studies and Agreements

Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Bourne and Sagamore Bridges - MassDOT/U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

LINK: Press Release on MOU

The MOU will guide the partnership between the state and federal agencies in the replacement of the two Cape Cod Canal Bridges, which are owned and maintained by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. USACE will continue to be responsible for ownership, operation and maintenance of the existing bridges until replacement bridges are built and operational. MassDOT and USACE will work together to plan, permit, fund, construct, demolish and transfer ownership of two new Cape Cod Canal Bridges built to current Federal Highway and MassDOT standards. 

MassDOT Cape Cod Canal Transportation Study

LINK: Final Report

MassDOT's Cape Cod Canal Transportation Study, completed in October 2019, was launched to identify existing and future multimodal transportation deficiencies and needs around the Cape Cod Canal area. This conceptual planning study's findings provide recommendations for improving multimodal connectivity and reliability across the Canal.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Cape Cod Canal Bridges Major Rehabilitation Evaluation Study

LINK: Final Report

The purpose of the study was to determine whether major rehabilitation or replacement of the Bourne and/or Sagamore Highway Bridges would provide the most reliable, fiscally responsible solution for the future. The Study culminated in the Major Rehabilitation Evaluation Report (MRER), which was published in March 2020.



Project Resources

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Nov 20, 2023
Canal Bridges - CCC Informational Handout (November 2023)
PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation 229,000 Year-round residents THE PROBLEM WITH THE BRIDGES Built in 1935, the Bourne and Sagamore bridges span the Cape Cod Canal and…
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