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It’s time to renew the Cape’s vision for its economic future.
Herring River Restoration Project Towns of Wellfleet and Truro The purpose of the project is to restore habitat in and re-establish tidal flow to the 1,100 ac.
Over the two days of this year’s OneCape Summit, a clear and consistent message was heard from state, local and regional leaders: Cape communities live up to the conference’s name,…
The Cape Cod Commission, through its District Local Technical Assistance (DLTA) grant program, has awarded a total of $40,000 in grant and matching funds to the Cape Cod Stormwater Managers…
The study seeks to identify safe and convenient alternatives within the study area for all users of the roadway system including pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists.
Herring River Restoration Project Towns of Wellfleet and Truro The purpose of the project is to restore habitat in and re-establish tidal flow to the 1,100 ac.
When rain falls or snow melts, water that is unable to infiltrate into the ground is considered stormwater runoff.
The Cape Cod Commission has hosted the OneCape Summit annually since 2014. The OneCape Summit will take place on August 16-17, 2018 at the Wequassett Resort in Harwich.
The Town of Chatham recently approved a Bicycle Master Plan.
The Towns of Harwich, Brewster, Chatham and Orleans are one step closer to a Watershed Permit for Pleasant Bay.