Category: Newsletter
Noting considerable progress on implementing the Cape Cod Water Quality Management Plan Update, the U. S.
With rainfall 30 percent higher than expected over the past six months, groundwater levels across the region are reaching record levels for March and are expected to keep rising.
The Cape Cod Water Protection Collaborative (CCWPC), a partnership between Barnstable County, the Cape Cod Commission and the 15 towns, works to protect Cape Cod’s shared water resources by supporting…
An easy-to-use interactive webpage was developed by Commission staff to provide the public with information on the Resilient Cape Cod project.
Cape Cod Commission staff is maintaining an interactive story map which allows users to locate ongoing water quality projects across the region; see project photos, designs and illustrations; read a…
The Cape Cod Commission and Historic New England are co-sponsoring a series of workshops on management issues related to local preservation.
2018 at the Cape Cod Commission began with the news that Executive Director, Paul Niedzwiecki, would be leaving for a new opportunity off Cape.
The Town of Bourne requested the Cape Cod Commission design a planning process to engage key stakeholders in the development of an economic vision and strategic plan for the Town.
The Cape Cod Commission received a Community Resiliency by Design Grant to design housing styles and regulations to meet the region’s existing and future housing needs.
The Pleasant Bay Alliance worked with representatives from its four member communities, the Cape Cod Commission, and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) to draft an Intermunicipal Agreement (IMA)…