Category: Newsletter
In May Eastham Town Meeting adopted new zoning regulations for the Eastham Corridor Special District by a vote of 316-20.
The redesignation of the Downtown Hyannis Growth Incentive Zone provided an opportunity for the Cape Cod Commission to reconsider the framework for considering all future GIZ designations.
In April the Barnstable County Assembly of Delegates and the Board of Regional Commissioners approved amendments to the Cape Cod Commission regulations governing review of Developments of Regional Impact (DRIs).
The Town of Eastham is looking to improve the safety and accessibility of town roadways and has asked the Cape Cod Commission for assistance in developing a Complete Streets Prioritization…
Barnstable County renewed its focus on regional economic development strategies with the April 30th inaugural meeting of the new Barnstable County Economic Development Council (BCEDC).
The Cape Cod Commission was recognized by the Baker/Polito administration with an Excellence in Commuter Options (ECO) Award in recognition for its efforts to promote smart, sustainable transportation choices to reduce traffic…
Cape Cod Commission recently launched 3D Cape Cod: an interactive web scene application featuring 3D structures on Cape Cod.
LOCAL EVENTS PLANNEDThe Cape Cod Commission and the Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority will join regional and state-wide efforts to promote bicycling as an alternative to driving motor vehicles during…
NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT ON TRANSPORTATION PLANNING DOCUMENTSThe Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) has released two (2) documents for a 21-day public review and comment period.
I want to thank the Cape’s community leaders, the staff at the Cape Cod Commission, and the people of Cape Cod for your support and dedication to our important and…