The Cape Cod Commission is working with all 15 Cape towns, including the Town of Mashpee, to examine vulnerabilities in the roadway network and identify solutions. With funding support from the Massachusetts Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program, the Commission has contracted with the Woods Hole Group (WHG) to conduct a vulnerability assessment of roadway segments, bridges, and culverts due to flooding from the combined effects of sea level rise and storm surge.
WHG will employ the state-of-the-art Massachusetts Coast Flood Risk Model (MC FRM) to identify vulnerable road segments under different sea level rise scenarios and time scales. One output from this work is a projection of the probability and extent of flooding at the present, 2030, 2050, and 2070.
Meeting 1 (May 2023)
Presentation: Mashpee Low Lying Roads Presentation
Meeting 2 (January 2024)
Presentation: Mashpee Low Lying Roads Presentation, Meeting 2

The Low Lying Roads Data Viewer is an interactive tool which allows the user to view the data outputs of the low lying roads analysis in a visual map format.
To use the Data Viewer, click on the link above and navigate around the map using the instructions included in the left panel.
High Priority Road Segments
The table below presents a first cut of priority road segments identified through a GIS analysis examining future flood projections together with an assessment of roadway importance and function (roadway “criticality”). The data is the result of an analysis performed by the Woods Hole Group using the Massachusetts Coast Flood Risk Model.
Summary of High Priority Road Segments
Road Name |
Length (ft) |
Description |
AEP 2030 |
Criticality Score |
2030 Risk Score |
Tidal Flooding Length (ft) |
2030 |
2050 |
2070 |
A |
Monomoscoy Rd North |
640 |
Connector Rd between Meadowbrook Rd & Amy Brown Rd |
100% |
16 |
1600 |
140 |
B |
Daniels Island Road/Popponesset Island Rd* |
1340 |
Daniels Island Road/Popponesset Island Road |
100% |
16 |
1600 |
920 |
C |
Daniels Island Road* |
960 |
N-S road spine in coastal neighborhood |
100% |
16 |
1600 |
40 |
400 |
640 |
D |
Spoondrift Way* |
540 |
Spoondrift Way behind Poppo. Beach Community House |
100% |
16 |
1600 |
160 |
340 |
E |
Great Oak Road at Mashpee Town Beach |
1140 |
Great Oak Road leading to Mashpee Town Beach |
100% |
16 |
1600 |
580 |
1140 |
F |
Mashpee Neck Road at Baker boat ramp |
680 |
Road segment leading to Edward Baker Boat Ramp |
20% |
26 |
520 |
40 |
160 |
G |
Red Brook Road at Falmouth Town Line |
140 |
Connector Rd at Falmouth line between Ostrom Rd & Monos. Rd |
20% |
20 |
400 |
H |
Monomoscoy Road - South |
1140 |
Roadway between Child's Rd and Hamblin Rd |
100% |
4 |
400 |
280 |
700 |
I |
Monomoscoy Road - Middle |
1460 |
Roadway between Amy Brown Rd and Point Rd |
100% |
4 |
400 |
1020 |
J |
Town Landing Road* |
600 |
Road Leading to Waqouit Public Landing |
100% |
4 |
400 |
140 |
300 |
K |
Seconsett Island Road at Hamblin Pond |
740 |
Coastal road fronting Hamblin Pond |
20% |
16 |
320 |
40 |
L |
Great Oak Road at Jehu Pond |
340 |
Connector to between Tide Run and Quinns Way |
20% |
16 |
320 |
100 |
M |
Quinaquisset Ave at Santuit River (Bridge) |
660 |
Road & bridge at Barnstable line and over Santuit River |
10% |
13 |
130 |
340 |
N |
Shore Drive at Deans Pond* |
2160 |
Shore Drive fronting Deans Pond |
5% |
16 |
80 |
*Private Road
Adaptation Strategies Analysis
Following the workshop last spring, town staff identified two priority road segments to carry forward into the design process for this project. The adaptation solutions include a variety of alternative strategies for the prioritized roads: gray infrastructure, green infrastructure, and a hybrid approach.