Greenside Office Park (CCC#16021)
Project Name: Greenside Office Park
Project Location: 10 Attucks Lane, Hyannis, MA
Description: The Applicant proposes to redevelop the project site with a professional office park consisting of two buildings (a 20,018 sq ft building and a 4,900 sq ft building) and related site improvements. The site is currently used and developed primarily for trucking and freight related purposes.
Physical project files are available for review at the Cape Cod Commission Office Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact the Front Desk for more information, 508-362-3828.
Project Resources
9K pdf
Aug 25, 2016
00 Index
Blank Portrait GREENSIDE OFFICE PARK 10 ATTUCKS LANE, HYANNIS Limited DRI Review Filing Table of Contents 1. CCC Application for Limited DRI Review 2. Limited DRI Review Scoping…
824K pdf
75K pdf
Mar 22, 2017
2017-03-22-Greenside Office Park-VHB Memo
Microsoft Word - TG Memo to Eliza \\mawatr\ts\13441.00\docs\memos\March TG Memo Appendix Materials\TG Memo to Eliza.docx 101 Walnut Street PO Box 9151 Watertown, MA 02472-4026…