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The Cape Cod Commission Act charges the Cape Cod Commission with reviewing certain proposed developments which, because of their size or other characteristics, are presumed to have development effects beyond their local communities. These proposed developments are called Developments of Regional Impact (DRI). The DRI review requirements are set forth in Section 13(d) of the Act.

An important component of the Act's DRI review requirements is a review for consistency with the Regional Policy Plan in effect at the time a DRI is reviewed. The Commission regularly updates the Regional Policy Plan (RPP) to establish a current and coherent set of regional planning policies, goals, and objectives to guide development throughout Barnstable County. The RPP is implemented in large part through the Commission’s regulatory program.

The 2018 RPP focuses on the review of developments in relation to their surroundings, which are determined based on the Cape Cod Placetype within which the proposed project is located. Employing a context-sensitive review process will ensure that new development is harmonious with and enhances the unique character of the region and protection of its natural and cultural resources, which are critical to the regional economy and way of life.

To view DRI Materials by town, click "View All Resources" below and select the town name from the Filter Results panel.

Physical project files are available for review at the Cape Cod Commission Office Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact the Front Desk for more information, 508-362-3828.


Project Resources

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174K pdf
Jun 14, 2024
2024-06-14 Long Pond Rd Monopole DRI Referral
SKM_C650i24061410490 SKM_C650i24061410490…
177K pdf
Jun 27, 2022
2022-06-29 Centerville Gardens WCT Proforma Hearing REVISED
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