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A Cape-wide stakeholder process to help develop a data-rich tool for coastal resiliency planning begins December 11, 2017.
Improving critical transportation access to regional healthcare facilities and economic hub is the focus of a $25 million application for federal funding by the Cape Cod Commission and Town of…
Cape Cod’s economy can’t be understood without accounting for its large share of seasonal homes.
The Barnstable County Assembly of Delegates unanimously approved the designation of a District of Critical Planning Concern (DCPC). The Nov.
BARNSTABLECAPE COD TRAINING CENTERMerchants Way and Business Lane, Hyannis Total Athletics of Cape Cod, Inc.
The final 2017 Implementation Report for the Cape Cod Water Quality Management Plan was released Nov. 1.
The Cape Cod Commission announced the launch of a new cloud-based platform in partnership with OpenGov, the leader in government performance management, to increase government accountability and improve access to…
A new study prepared for the Cape Cod Commission ties a lack of housing that meets the region’s life stage and income needs to a significant increase in cost-burdened households over…
Cape Cod Commission, Town of Barnstable and Town of Mashpee staff will host a public meeting to discuss the Route 28 Eastern Mashpee Corridor Study on Wednesday, July 26that the Mashpee…
The Cape Cod Commission was awarded $50,000 to create a stormwater management coalition to help Cape communities meet stormwater management requirements.