Cape Cod Commission to begin evaluation of historic structures in flood areas
Working with the United States Army Corps of Engineers Silver Jackets program, the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension, Woods Hole Sea Grant, and several state and local partners, the Cape Cod Commission will begin an evaluation of historic structures in flood areas to develop guidelines for protection and preservation.
Cape Cod is home to many historic buildings and historic districts in flood hazard areas. Unique challenges exist in developing floodproofing measures consistent with historic resource protection.
The Massachusetts Historic Structure Assessment Project aims to reduce immediate and long-term flood risk for our most historic and culturally prized structures by developing recommended floodproofing measures and cost estimates for historic structures in flood hazard areas.
The project team will evaluate approximately 15 historic structures of various sizes and settings located within historic districts in the towns of Provincetown, Sandwich, and Falmouth. The resulting report will detail floodproofing options suitable for specific building types and locations, designed to aid the preservation of historic properties and serve as a resource for historic property owners on Cape Cod and in similar coastal communities.
“Historic structures are the lifeblood of many Cape Cod communities,” said Cape Cod Commission Historic Preservation Specialist Sarah Korjeff. “The unique character and economic viability of these towns are closely tied to the historic buildings and neighborhoods that define them. By identifying appropriate ways to protect their distinctive historic buildings from flood hazards, this proposal will support community vitality and identity while preserving the history embedded in these structures for residents and visitors.”
Project partners include the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension, Woods Hole Sea Grant, Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, Federal Emergency Management Agency, United States Army Corps of Engineers, and the towns of Sandwich, Falmouth, and Provincetown.
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