Cape Cod Commission and Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce Launch Third Survey of COVID-19 Business Impacts
Survey seeks to better understand the impacts of COVID-19 following the peak season
For Immediate Release (January 6, 2021) – Continuing an economic impact discovery effort that began this spring, the Cape Cod Commission and the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce have issued a third online survey to Cape Cod business owners.
The first two surveys, conducted in May and August, provided critical information on immediate impacts to the region’s business community and insight on the support necessary for businesses to adapt. The third survey seeks to better understand the impacts of the pandemic over the course of the year and includes specific questions about fall and winter impacts.
Results will reveal more about changes to operations, revenue as compared to 2019, impacts to the workforce, and both financial and non-financial needs. Business owners will have the opportunity to provide critical insight on how operations might differ in 2021 due to the pandemic.
Data collected will inform the Cape Cod Commission’s economic resiliency planning efforts, which includes development of a regional economic resilience plan to address identified needs, and direct technical assistance to businesses by the Commission and the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce.
Survey data collected to date can be leveraged by businesses, towns, and other organizations in grant applications and reports, as it documents the initial impacts of the pandemic as well as impacts felt during Cape Cod’s peak summer season.
Responses are held confidentially, and results are reported out in aggregate. Business owners from throughout the region, including past survey participants, are encouraged to respond. The survey will be open through January, with results expected to be published in February.
The Cape Cod Businesses: Economic Impacts of Covid-19 survey is available here:
View results of the first survey:
View results of the second survey:
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